So I’ve decided that I don’t like my current designs/style so I’ve decided to change it all and rework it. Only a week until the deadline… not bad.

So the original designs have turned out looking rather flat and lifeless with lack of shading and really just a visual lack of motivation. I feel the motivation is down to the techniques and outcomes of the pages, for example I have been using a tablet and illustrator to create the past work and this just hasn’t been working for me. So I’ve decided to work on hand drawn sketches and this is already proving to be working a lot better than before. Below are the original designs.
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Now for the new designs.

Panda  Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 18.49.10Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 18.48.25


Having them hand drawn has given each character a new look and I’ve actively tried to create a rustic, unfinished effect to the piece. By doing this I’ve made it look similar to that of a illustration that a child has coloured in, something where the colour goes off the lines (I’ll work on this and try more of it?).
By splitting the text and images up between two pages, it strengthens the composition and allows for easier reading. The drawings also look less flat and appear to have more of a dimension to them, making it nicer to look at and gaze upon.